A limited edition coinciding with a noteworthy event is usually a favorable promotional opportunity engaging a large number of people. It is normally perceived as a gift to a loyal customer, a game or just an issue to be discussed. A nice occasion for a limited edition is New Year celebration, for it is the right moment for gifts, surprises or even miracles.
The Bulbash 2012 vodka design concept reflects the 2012 year symbol according to the Chinese Zodiac, a Dragon. The Ice Fire-Breathing Dragon is the central design element, for the Bulbash vodka itself comprises two essences: ice (on the outside) and fire (on the inside — the image of the dragon creates a festive impression. The bottle acts as an eye-stopper.
A limited edition design is not constrained with tough packaging construction restrictions. It is close to gift, deluxe packaging but is based around an unconventional idea. It can be radical, striking or eccentric. It attracts attention, promotes the brand and appeals to customers’ emotions.