VEDZMA Special is a concept of a diptych based on contrasts: Tenderness and Passion,
Ice and Flame (as in «Game of Thrones»), Blue and Red (as pills in «Matrix»)…
The enlarged brand character marks out on the shelf, the light silver scheme (illustration is as pearls embroidered) creates
a feeling of luxury and coolness, color coding on the inside of the label (blue and peach) makes the design modern
and youth. The glow effect is like Tesla Lighting drawing attention to the character. The concept «harmony of contrast»
is supported by naming and relevant formulation: Laskavaya («Tender») and Vognennaya («Fiery»).
Thus the VEDZMA vodka range is enriched with a new «Light» series, contrasting to the previous «Dark»,
both are highlighting together on the shelf.
You can learn more on the promo site:VEDZMA.COM